May 6, 2020

Finding the Opportunity in Chaos

Media industry operations are instantly reverse-engineered. Sales revenues are challenged like never before. Marketing is evolving, again.

The worldwide pandemic of 2020 has thrown all our lives into some state of flux. An existential crisis such as this affects us all in different but very human ways. As our fight-or-flight instinct kicks in and we become consumed with the stress of denial, the results can be anxiety, fear, or panic — all of which can leave us feeling powerless.

And once the avoidance strategies stop working – the scotch runs out, the prescriptions need renewal, or the waistline protests against the largest pair of jeans in the closet, that’s the sign that it’s time to get to work on what lies beyond COVID-19.

Let’s face it. The dust will not settle on this pandemic for a long time to come. So we can choose to stay in a state of flux or begin to look at what societal changes will be with us to stay and begin planning a personal and business recovery strategy. And getting back in to your skinny jeans might be as important to you as capitalizing on the next evolution of the marketplace. Regardless, the strategy is the same.

  1. Assess where you were.
  2. Accept where you are.
  3. Forecast where you need to go
  4. Develop a plan to get there
  5. Prioritize what you need to do today, next week and three months from now to achieve your goals
  6. Act now (and you’ll find your recovery plan is underway)

If it’s the jeans you are focused on, you might consider consulting with a dietician or physical training expert. Business is no different. You must call upon the experts.

At Momentum Marketing, our team of media and marketing pros understand the media business and have the industry knowledge and requisite detachment to help you recognize the opportunities specific to your business that are emerging from the chaos all around us.

We can help you and your people become early movers who will fulfill the needs your customers have right now. We also provide the team and tools to capture attention in the marketplace, develop a lead system, and help you close new business in the short-term, and as part of the long-term strategy we will create with you to emerge from this crisis as a leader in your niche.

We are working from home. But our entire team is helping our clients find and seize the opportunity in chaos.

Shawn Smith
President + Founder