October 3, 2024

2024 Broadcast Dialogue Canadian Radio Awards open for submissions

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Broadcast Dialogue Canadian Radio Awards.

To be eligible for the 2024 competition, entries must have been published by or aired on Canadian radio between Nov. 1, 2023 and Oct. 31, 2024. Winning entries will be showcased on our website. Only one entry per station is allowed in any particular category.

Ask your program director to nominate you or you can self-nominate across on-air, news, programming, creative and engineering categories.

Nominations close on Nov. 1, with winners to be announced on Friday, Dec. 6. Find the full list of rules & regulations and listen to winning audio from past years at CanadianRadioAwards.com.

We’ll announce this year’s jury of industry professionals shortly.